How to buy and sell machineries

We manage the connection of businesses through our contact network in Latin America, with wide coverage in all countries of the region.
Any person (of legal age) or legal entity, who has acquired the necessary rights and permits to sell the published machinery.
Filling in the form on the website. Then we will contact you with the necessary information to enter your machinery in our database.
Machinery located anywhere can be offered, but they will only be promoted in the countries where operates. does not charge any commission for the management of contact between interested parties.
The machinery information is store in our database, and we inform about them to possible interested parties. On certain occassions, can make mailings or other type of communications with the available machinery.
Filling in the form on the website. Then we will contact you to analyze your needs and verify the availability of machines in our database.
The available machinery is stored in our database. Contact us and we will send you a list of the machines that meets your requirements
The data contained in the publications is information provided bu the sellers in their sole discretion. It is the buyer´s responsibility to verify that they are suitable for their purchasing needs.
The purchase, sale, or rental agreement is carried out directly between the interested parties.
Contact us and we will be happy to help you determine the right segment.